Rules When Facing a Give Way Sign or Stop Sign: Who Goes First?
It’s difficult to drive any length of distance in Australia without encountering a give way sign or stop sign. They are so common because they are used to control traffic at intersections where caution is needed due to limited visibility, and where vehicles on the other road have priority.
Give Way Signs or Lines

If you come across a give way sign or line, you must slow down and prepare to stop. You must give way to all vehicles approaching, entering, or travelling in the intersection – regardless of their direction. You must also give way to all pedestrians crossing the road that you’re entering.
A give way line is a broken line that is used along with, or instead of, a sign.

In the example above we can see that two vehicles are approaching an intersection. Since Car B is facing a give way sign, Car B has to give way to all other vehicles approaching the intersection.
Stop Signs and Lines

A STOP sign or line indicates you must come to a complete stop and give way to all vehicles approaching, entering, or travelling in the intersection – regardless of their direction. You must remain stationary until it’s safe for you to proceed. You must also give way to all pedestrians crossing the road that you are entering.
When you come across a stop sign, you must come to a full stop before the stop line even if the road is clear. If there is no line, you should come to a full stop close to, but before reaching the intersection.
A stop line is a continuous line that is used along with, or instead of, a stop sign.

Multiple Signs
It can get a bit tricky if you come upon an intersection with several STOP or give way signs. If two or more drivers face these signs at an intersection, the following rules apply:
- They must first give way to all road users that aren’t facing STOP/Give Way signs as well as pedestrians
- After that, the drivers facing the signs should apply the general ‘Give Way’ rules to decide who proceeds first

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