Hawaii DMV Practice Test 2024

The Hawaii DMV permit test consists of 30 questions, and you must answer at least 24 questions correctly to get a passing score (80%). The questions in our sample tests are nearly identical to those on the official HI exam.

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What will happen if you refuse a breath test when an officer suspects you of driving while intoxicated?


The implied consent law in Hawaii says that by getting behind the wheel, you have already given consent (i.e. answered "yes") to allow a blood, breath, or urine test if requested by a law enforcement officer. Refusing a police breath/chemical test is a serious offense and will result in license suspension.

What is the BAC-limit for drivers that are 21 years old or older?


Operating a vehicle with a BAC of 0.08 or more is illegal in Hawaii and counts as DUI. You can also be convicted if you are impaired by alcohol or drugs, even when your BAC is below the legal limit. The penalty for a first-time conviction is a fine of up to $1,000, between 48 hrs and 5 days in jail, and a license revocation for up to 12 months depending on your BAC.

What is the BAC-limit for drivers under 21 years old?

In Hawaii, drivers under 21 face stricter rules than older drivers and may be convicted of a DUI with a blood alcohol concentration of .02 or higher.

You are required to use your headlights in certain conditions. Which of the following is an example of such a condition?


In Hawaii, you must use your headlights between (1) 1/2 hour after sunset to 1/2 hour before sunrise, (2) when visibility is less than 500 feet, and (3) when in conditions of insufficient light. or unfavorable atmospheric conditions. Also, you're required to dim your lights to low beam when meeting or overtaking.

Is the use of Hazard Lights permitted while driving?

Hazard light use is not permitted while driving in Hawaii.

You see that there is a stopped emergency vehicle on the road shoulder ahead,. What should you do?

The Hawaii move-over-law is designed to protect emergency personnel and workers. If approaching a stationary emergency vehicle with flashing lights, including tow trucks, you must slow down to a prudent speed and vacate the lane closest to the stopped vehicle. If possible, move two lanes over. If changing lanes is unsafe or not possible, you must slow down to a safe and prudent speed for the conditions.

What is considered a sufficient following distance on a dry road?

You should always maintain a following distance of at least 2 seconds to the vehicle in front of you according to the "two-second rule" that is used in Hawaii. In bad conditions and at higher speeds, you should consider increasing the following distance to 4-5 seconds so you have time to safely stop if necessary. On slippery roads, it may be necessary to increase the following distance even more.

When may you turn right on a red light?

If the turn can be made safely, you may turn right on a red light in Hawaii after coming to a complete stop and yielding to any pedestrians/vehicles lawfully proceeding through the intersection. Look for signs that prohibit the turn.

When may you turn left on a red light?

The only time you're permitted to turn left on a red light in Hawaii is when you're turning from a one-way street onto another one-way street. Before turning, yield to any pedestrians/vehicles lawfully proceeding through the intersection and make sure there aren't any signs prohibiting the turn

When facing a green light at an intersection, you may proceed:

Before proceeding at an intersection, you're always required to yield to traffic already in the intersection. This applies even if you're facing a green light.

“Before getting into your vehicle, you should look for children and other small obstructions nearby”. Is this statement true?


Small children or other small obstructions may be too small or close for you to see by using your mirrors. Check your surroundings before getting into your vehicle!

Is driving in the United States a privilege or a right?


Driving is a privilege that you must earn! That privilege can be taken away if you drive unlawfully.

When emergency braking with a vehicle equipped with ABS-brakes, you should: 

A ‘pulsating’ or ‘twitching’ feeling means that the ABS-system is working! Do NOT remove the pressure as doing so will disengage the ABS.

Which statement is true? When parking, recovering from skids, or turning at low speeds:


Think of the steering wheel as a clock and position your hands at 9 and 3 o’clock.

How to use hand-over-hand steering
Depending on which way you’re turning, one hand will push the wheel up as the other hand lets go and reaches across the other arm to grasp the steering wheel and pull up. Quick hand-movements are recommended on the entry of the manoeuvre - and slower movements upon completing the maneuver. 

What does this sign mean?


This is a YIELD sign. You must slow down and be prepared to yield the right-of-way.

You approach a railroad crossing with flashing red warning lights. What must you do?


Flashing red warning lights must be obeyed and mean that you must stop. They indicate a train is approaching.

What does this sign mean?


You must make a left turn or a U-turn from a lane marked with this sign.

On the road shoulder ahead, there’s a stopped car with its brake lights activated. What should you keep in mind when passing the car?

As the driver hasn’t turned off the ignition, he/she may attempt to enter traffic suddenly. In most cases, the driver will look for approaching traffic before pulling out into traffic, but that isn’t always the case. 

Always look for an indication that a driver may pull out, such as a turning movement in the front wheels.

You see this light on your dashboard and the red light worries you. What does it mean?


The charging system isn’t working properly - drive to a mechanic or service facility so they can determine what’s wrong.

When is it extra important to know how traffic is moving behind you?


Braking and changing lanes. It’s important to know your surroundings when braking or changing lanes since you may cause a collision otherwise. 

When driving on level roads. It’s false that you should be extra careful if the road is level. Rather, you should be extra aware of traffic behind you if driving down a long or steep hill. Large vehicles take a long time to stop when driving down steep hills, and their brakes can fail.