South Carolina DMV Practice Permit Test 2024

The South Carolina DMV permit test consists of 30 questions, and you must answer at least 24 questions correctly to get a passing score (80%). The questions in our sample tests are nearly identical to those on the official SC exam.

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Is the use of Hazard Lights permitted while driving?

Hazard light use is permitted while driving in South Carolina to warn other drivers of a traffic hazard that requires care in approaching, passing or overtaking.

When may you turn right on a red light?

If the turn can be made safely, you may turn right on a red light in South Carolina after coming to a complete stop and yielding to any pedestrians/vehicles lawfully proceeding through the intersection. Look for signs that prohibit the turn.

What is the maximum un-posted speed limit in a rural area except when a higher speed is allowed by federal law?

In rural areas in South Carolina, the maximum un-posted speed limit is 55 mph. However, the federal law may allow for a higher speed limit on some roads.

Which passengers have to wear a seat belt?

In South Carolina, the driver and all passengers age 6 and older must wear a seat belt. Violation of the seat belt law is a standard offense. In addition, the child passenger safety law also requires that all children wear an appropriate child restraint. What is appropriate depends on the size, height and weight of the child, which means each child should use a restraint system that fits them.

What is the maximum un-posted speed limit in an urban district or residential area?

In South Carolina, the maximum un-posted speed limit should be followed unless otherwise posted.

How far away from a school bus loading or unloading passengers do vehicles have to stop?


Motorists from both directions have to stop for school buses with flashing lights loading or unloading passengers in South Carolina. Do not proceed until the school bus has started driving again and the lights have stopped flashing. A stop is not required when driving on the opposite side of a roadway with four or more lanes, having at least two in each direction, or when the shool bus is stopped in a passenger loading zone where crossing is prohibited for pedestrians.

Are you required to yield to pedestrians on your side of the road in marked crosswalks?

Motorists in South Carolina must stop and yield to pedestrians in a marked crosswalk when the pedestrian is on their side of the motorway or close enough to be in danger. When approaching a crosswalk, use caution and watch both sides of the street for pedestrians. Pedestrians have both right and duties, and should not attempt to cross the road at any place other than a marked or unmarked crosswalk.

Why must you be prepared to stop when driving behind a school bus and approaching a railroad crossing?

School buses, vehicles with a capacity of at least 16 persons, and vehicles transporting hazardous material must stop at all railroad crossings in South Carolina. If you are driving behind any of these vehicles, you should be prepared to stop as well.

Which of the following is a 4-point violation?

South Carolina has a point system to keep unsafe drivers off the roads. Violations that occur out-of-state will count towards your total points. Passing a stopped school bus loading or unloading children is a 6-point violation. Failure to yield the right-of-way is a 4-point violation. Improper danerous parking is a 2-point violation. Accumulating 12 or more points within any two-year period results in excessive points and causes an automatic Point System suspension of your South Carolina driver's license.

When are studded tires permitted?

Studded tires have studs embedded in the tread that provide added traction. They are permitted in South Carolina all year unless they project more than 1/16 inch when compressed.

Does your trailer need to be equipped with independent braking?

The added weight of the trailer to your vehicle can drastically increase the distance needed to come to a full stop. For this reason, most states have laws regarding independent braking on trailers over a certain gross vehicle weight (GVW). In South Carolina, the gross weight limit is 3,000 lbs.

You see that there is a stopped emergency vehicle on the road shoulder ahead,. What should you do?

The move-over-law in South Carolina is designed to protect emergency personnel and workers. If approaching a stationary emergency vehicle with flashing lights, you must vacate the lane closest to the stopped vehicle. If changing lanes is unsafe or not possible, you must slow down to a safe and prudent speed for the conditions. This law also applies to tow trucks and other recovery vehicles.

When may you turn left on a red light?

You're generally permitted to turn left on a red light in South Carolina when turning from a one-way street onto another one-way street. Before turning, yield to any pedestrians/vehicles lawfully proceeding through the intersection and make sure there aren't any signs prohibiting the turn.

Which statement is true regarding large trucks?


Oncoming trucks often appear to be driving slower than they actually are - this ‘speed illusion’ can cause you to believe that you have enough space and time to pass when, in fact, you don’t. 

It’s especially easy to misjudge the speed of large trucks near intersections, and how close they are.

In which of the following situations would you cause an obstruction by parking?

Don’t park where you may obstruct access to a driveway or property. Before parking, look at road markings and signs to ensure that you’re parking legally.

If driving in a lane marked with this sign:


You must make a U-turn if you are traveling in a lane marked with this sign. There are usually additional pavement markings to help clarify which lane(s) the sign applies to.

When driving in a lane with pavement markings like this, you:


The pavement markings indicate that vehicles traveling in this lane must turn in the direction of the arrow (in this case you must turn left).

What does this sign mean?


This sign warns you of a cattle crossing. In this case, you should be extra observant for the next 17 miles.

What should you do if you begin to feel tired while driving?


It’s very dangerous to drive when tired. While listening to music and rolling down the car windows can help a little, it won’t prevent fatigue. What helps is rest - so pull over and rest until you no longer feel tired.

When driving close to parked vehicles:


Expect the unexpected - you can’t know how other persons will act.

You will have less time to react when driving close to parked cars, so slow down to a safe speed. A car may decide to pull out or open a car door without properly checking the mirrors or blind spot, or someone may suddenly step out onto the street from behind a vehicle.