Nebraska DMV Permit Practice Test 2024

The Nebraska Permit DMV permit test consists of 25 questions, and you must answer at least 20 questions correctly to get a passing score (80%). The questions in our sample tests are nearly identical to those on the official NE exam.

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What does a red ‘ X’ mean when it is placed over a reversible lane?

A red ‘X’ means that the lane is closed for traffic and that you should change lanes immediately. These lights are used over reversible lanes in Nebraska and many other states to help drivers determine which lanes are open or closed, and are often accompanied by double-dashed yellow lines. Reversible lanes are designed to help with rush hour traffic by carrying inbound traffic during the morning peak hours and outbound traffic during evening peak hours.

Why must you be prepared to stop when driving behind a school bus and approaching a railroad crossing?

All school buses and buses carrying passengers for hire must stop at all railroad crossings in Nebraska. If you are driving behind any of these vehicles, you should be prepared to stop as well.

When facing a green light at an intersection, you may proceed:

Before proceeding at an intersection, you're always required to yield to traffic already in the intersection. This applies even if you're facing a green light.

For how long must you signal before turning or changing lanes?

By letting other drivers know of your intention to turn in advance, you will avoid unnecessary accidents. In Nebraska, drivers must signal for at least 100 feet before turning or changing lanes. At higher speeds, consider signaling for far longer.

What is the penalty for leaving the scene of a crash resulting in injury?

Drivers in Nebraska that are convicted of leaving a crash scene resulting in injury will have their license revoked, receive a fine of no more than $10,000, and face imprisonment for up to 5 years. If the accident results in serious bodily injury or death, it's counted as a class 3 felony which means the penalties are harder and include a fine up to $25,000 and imprisonment for up to 20 years.

What information should you exchange with other involved parties in a car accident?

Exchange your name, address, driver's license information, insurance information and phone number with anyone else involved in the crash. After exchanging information, write down as much information about the crash as possible. This includes weather conditions, road conditions, time of the crash, and how the crash occurred. This will help determine who is at fault and help with insurance claims. Crashes in Nebraska must be reported in incidents of injury, fatality, or vehicle- or property damage exceeding $1,000. The deadline to file the report is 10 days.

When may you turn right on a red light?

If the turn can be made safely, you may turn right on a red light in Nebraska after coming to a complete stop and yielding to any pedestrians/vehicles lawfully proceeding through the intersection. Look for signs that prohibit the turn.

What should you do if you crash into an unattended vehicle and you're unable to locate the owner?

If you crash into an unattended vehicle, you're expected to make a reasonable attempt to locate the owner of the vehicle. If unable to locate the owner, you should instead leave a note in a secure place with your contact information and details regarding the crash. In additon, you should take pictures of the scene (including damage to the other car and their license plate number), and notify your insurance company as well as the nearest police department about the accident. Crashes in Nebraska must be reported in incidents of injury, fatality, or vehicle- or property damage exceeding $1,000. The deadline to file the report is 10 days.

Are headsets or earplugs prohibited while driving?

In Nebraska, there is no prohibition on wearing headsets while driving. However, you should be very careful about covering your ears entirely as you will miss the visual queues otherwise present in the road environment.

Texting while driving is:


Texting while driving is prohibited for all drivers in Nebraska. This is because any such use will severely distract you and increase the risk of a crash. In addition, school bus drivers and novice drivers under 18 with a learner or intermediate license are prohibited from all cell phone use while driving. It's recommended that you pull off the road and stop if you need to make a call. Never use a phone when driving in hazardous conditions as you must focus all your attention on driving.

When may you turn left on a red light?

The only time you're permitted to turn left on a red light in Nebraska is when turning from a one-way street onto another one-way street. Before turning, yield to any pedestrians/vehicles lawfully proceeding through the intersection and make sure there aren't any signs prohibiting the turn

What is the standard speed limit in business districts?

The standard speed limit in business districts in Nebraska is 20 mph unless signs indicate otherwise.

What should you do if the ABS warning light stays on?


The ABS light will stay on to alert the driver that the safety system is no longer active. Have your brakes checked immediately.

What should you do when driving behind a large truck?


It can be hard to see the road when you’re behind a large truck, so increase the following distance.

Which car goes first?


As both vehicles are making a left turn, they can safely pass in front of each other and perform their turns at the same time. However, they should both look for vehicles "hiding" out-of-view behind the oncoming vehicle.

What color is the left-most edge line on a divided highway?


A solid yellow line indicates the left-most edge of the road on divided highways and some one-way streets.

What should you prepare for when you see these flashing arrows?


Flashing arrow panels are often found in and before road work zones - they tell you to prepare for changing lanes or letting other traffic merge into your lane.

Which statement is true?


The speed limit applies when flashing. In any case, look out for children and be prepared to stop when driving near schools. Children can be in the vicinity even after school times.

Is sounding your horn to say hello to a friend a proper use of your car horn?


Generally, you should only use your horn when necessary to avoid collisions. Don’t use it to greet a friend or other road users.

What does this sign mean?


Keep to the right as a divided highway is about to begin.