Driving at Night – Rules & Tips for Beginners
Knowing how to drive at night is a handy skill that most drivers need to learn. Driving at night is often scary for new drivers. You need to keep track of new things, such as when to use your high beams and low beams, and driving can often feel more exhausting – this is because you often have to focus more when driving at night. Hazards and other road users are also much harder to spot at night, leading to increased reaction times and more accidents.
Most students receive inadequate nighttime driving practice with a supervisor. Instead, most of the time is spent learning specific skills during the day like how to parallel park. This leads to many new drivers learning how to drive at night on their own, which is far from optimal.
In this video, Jacqueline goes through her best tips for driving at night, what you need to remember, and common mistakes student drivers make when driving at night the first time(s).

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