Center Turn Lane Rules Explained: How to Use Them to Make Safe Left Turns
What Are Center Turn Lanes?
Center left-turn lanes are marked on both sides by painted yellow lines. The outer lines are painted solid and the inner lines are broken. Center left-turn lanes are located in the middle of two-way streets to help vehicles safely turn left from both directions (or make U-turns if permitted) without blocking other traffic.
Center Left Turn Lane Rules
Remember these rules for driving in center turn lanes:
- If a road has a center turn lane and you intend to turn left, use the turn lane
- Don’t drive in a turn lane for long distances.
- Do not use the center turn lane to pass other vehicles.

Additionally, when turning using a center turn lane, you should wait in the turn lane and:
- Check blind spots
- Look for oncoming traffic in the left lane
- Wait for a safe gap in traffic
- Watch out for traffic pulling onto the main road from side streets
- Be aware of vehicles traveling in the opposite direction as they are allowed to enter the turn lane to make a turn

If needed, you can use the center turn lane when turning left onto the main road from a driveway or side street. Enter the turn lane once safe and wait there until you can safely enter the traffic flow again.

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